Wednesday 5 September 2018

Benefits of Garlic

If you were wondering about the benefits of garlic on your health, here is the nutritionist's answer: "Thanks to its very interesting virtues, garlic is strongly recommended in the diet.”

Garlic: poor health benefits

Garlic is particularly recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: several studies have shown that the consumption of 2 to 5 g of raw garlic per day can reduce total cholesterol as well as blood triglycerides (molecules that form in the small intestine from the fats that we consume and which, too much, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease).
Other studies also show that the sulfur compounds contained in garlic have very interesting anti-cancer properties. These would be effective to fight among other things against colon cancer and stomach cancer.
Finally, garlic helps the body fight against infections due to its antimicrobial properties.

A very low calorie food

On the nutrition side, garlic is beneficial because it is low in calories (about 4 calories in a pod). Its active compounds being present in very large numbers, it is enough to consume little to benefit from all its health virtues. The ideal is to eat about 5 to 6 g per day.
Naturally, its very low calorie content puts it in the category of "slimming foods". But beyond its composition, it is also a food that helps keep the line because it enhances the taste of the dishes, which adds less sauce or fat.
How to cook garlic? To benefit from all its properties (including sulfur compounds and antioxidants), it is better to eat it raw.

Some contraindications to respect

First of all, for young children or people with difficult transit, it is better to limit the consumption of garlic. It can cause uncomfortable bloating and excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.
People taking anticoagulant therapy should also limit their intake because garlic tends to thin the blood.
Hypoglycemic drugs (which lower blood sugar levels) increase in effectiveness when the person consumes a lot of garlic. It is therefore preferable that people with diabetes under hypoglycemic limit their consumption, under penalty of lowering the blood glucose below the threshold limit.

 Famous Foods around the World

 Famous Foods around the World

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