Friday 28 September 2018

Cherry - Health benefits of cherries

The cherry contains many interesting substances, including anthocyanins and hydroxycinnamic acid. They have very important antioxidant properties that allow them to fight against free radicals and therefore against certain cancers and against heart diseases. In addition, as natural anti-inflammatories they relieve joint pain . The melatonin that the cherry contains, besides its antioxidant action, is able to regulate sleep and thus fight against insomnia.

 Famous Foods around the World

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Carrot - Health Benefits of Carrot

Carrot is a vegetable rich in beta-carotene , an antioxidant that strengthens the immune system and fights against free radicals. The carrot contains large amounts of vitamin A (derived from beta-carotene) which will help fight against cataracts and will protect against certain cancers ( breast and lung in particular).
In addition, carrots reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease (affecting the heart and blood vessels) as it limits blood cholesterol levels.

 Famous Foods around the World

Tuesday 18 September 2018

Peanuts - Health Benefits of Peanuts

Peanuts are nuts grown in tropical, sub-tropical and temperate regions. These seeds are to be consumed occasionally because they are extremely rich in fat. This gives them great energy virtues and makes them particularly interesting for athletes and children in times of growth. They are also very useful in case of physical fatigue or stress. Peanuts also contain large quantities of proteins, trace elements and minerals (iron, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, including manganese and copper) but also unsaturated fatty acids, fiber, vitamins and antioxidants. All these nutrients have benefits on cardiovascular health (provided you do not eat more than 30 grams per week). Peanuts would also help fight against cancer.

 Famous Foods around the World

Sunday 16 September 2018

Basil - Health Benefits of Basil

Basil is a commonly used in cooking plant but it also has many virtues that can be extremely useful for health. Indeed, basil is rich in antioxidants that fight against the development of cardiovascular disease and some cancers. It also lowers blood sugar in the blood which makes it useful in diabetes. This plant also contains lots of vitamin K which is necessary to make the proteins involved in the clotting process.

 Famous Foods around the world

Thursday 13 September 2018

Banana - Health Benefits of Banana

Banana is a well-known fruit that is readily available from any supermarket or almost any fruit and vegetable vendor. What is less known is the benefits of bananas. The high consumption of bananas is likely to reduce the risk of developing renal cancer or colon cancer .
It is also used in case of diarrhea to participate in the regulation of transit and even as antacid in case of heartburn .
In addition, banana is a good provider of vitamin B6 , iron and potassium . Banana is very popular with athletes because it helps fight against fatigue . It contains a lot of minerals such as magnesium or potassium, as well as vitamins such as Vit A, Vit B, Vit C and Vit E. Rich in carbohydrates, bananas are recommended for snacks or snacks. 100 g of banana represent 90 Kcalories.

 Famous Foods around the World

Wednesday 12 September 2018

Goji Berry - Health Benefits of Goji Berries

The goji berry is one of the fruits to contain the most vitamin C in the world. It is therefore interesting in case of temporary tiredness . Moreover, it is very rich in antioxidants which give it anti- aging and anti-inflammatory properties (useful especially in case of urinary infection ). In addition, the goji berry strengthens the immune system and helps reduce blood pressure , blood cholesterol and low blood sugar ( blood sugar ). It is also interesting for preventing eye disorders.

 Famous foods around the world

Tuesday 11 September 2018

Avocado - Health Benefits of Avocado

Although very high in calories , avocados have many virtues. Avocados contain many antioxidants and carotenoids . As such, lawyers help protect against ophthalmic conditions and reduce the risk of heart attacks . Other benefits of avocado include its properties on the digestive system . Indeed, avocados contain fibers that facilitate a good intestinal transit while giving a feeling of satiety . Another benefit of avocado, it slows digestion and prevents peaks in blood sugar after meals.
 Famous Foods around the World

Monday 10 September 2018

Eggplant - Health Benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant is a vegetable that has the advantage of being low in calories while containing many minerals. Moreover, because of its low sodium content, it is ideal for people who must follow a diet without salt (it is also low in sugars). Eggplant is also known for its high fiber content which makes it particularly digestible. Because of its antioxidant content, this vegetable would also help fight against the onset of heart disease and cancer.
 Famous foods around the World

Sunday 9 September 2018

Pineapple - Health Benefits of Pineapple

Pineapple is a tropical fruit that has many therapeutic properties. It is indeed very rich in manganese, a trace element essential to survival. Especially pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that would naturally fight against cancer cells. Bromelain contained pineapple is also involved in regulating the immune system and blood clotting. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that make it interesting in the fight against osteoarthritis.
100 grams of avocado represents an energy value of 53 Kcalories.
 Famous Foods around the World

Thursday 6 September 2018

Almond - Almond health benefits

The benefits of almonds are numerous. In fact, they act on blood cholesterol and thus make it possible to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease by 45% or to report hypertension when they are consumed in sufficient quantities. Moreover, the high concentration of vitamin E in almonds gives them antioxidant properties that help protect cells against aging. They are also rich in magnesium and protein.
Almonds also help fight against diabetes and cognitive decline.

 Famous foods around the World

Wednesday 5 September 2018

Benefits of Garlic

If you were wondering about the benefits of garlic on your health, here is the nutritionist's answer: "Thanks to its very interesting virtues, garlic is strongly recommended in the diet.”

Garlic: poor health benefits

Garlic is particularly recommended for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases: several studies have shown that the consumption of 2 to 5 g of raw garlic per day can reduce total cholesterol as well as blood triglycerides (molecules that form in the small intestine from the fats that we consume and which, too much, increase the risk of cardiovascular disease).
Other studies also show that the sulfur compounds contained in garlic have very interesting anti-cancer properties. These would be effective to fight among other things against colon cancer and stomach cancer.
Finally, garlic helps the body fight against infections due to its antimicrobial properties.

A very low calorie food

On the nutrition side, garlic is beneficial because it is low in calories (about 4 calories in a pod). Its active compounds being present in very large numbers, it is enough to consume little to benefit from all its health virtues. The ideal is to eat about 5 to 6 g per day.
Naturally, its very low calorie content puts it in the category of "slimming foods". But beyond its composition, it is also a food that helps keep the line because it enhances the taste of the dishes, which adds less sauce or fat.
How to cook garlic? To benefit from all its properties (including sulfur compounds and antioxidants), it is better to eat it raw.

Some contraindications to respect

First of all, for young children or people with difficult transit, it is better to limit the consumption of garlic. It can cause uncomfortable bloating and excessive consumption can cause diarrhea.
People taking anticoagulant therapy should also limit their intake because garlic tends to thin the blood.
Hypoglycemic drugs (which lower blood sugar levels) increase in effectiveness when the person consumes a lot of garlic. It is therefore preferable that people with diabetes under hypoglycemic limit their consumption, under penalty of lowering the blood glucose below the threshold limit.

 Famous Foods around the World

 Famous Foods around the World

Garlic - Health benefits of garlic

Garlic is a common food whose health benefits are often unknown. They are however multiple. When two pods are consumed per day, garlic is likely to block the multiplication of cancer cells, particularly in the context of cancers of the colon and stomach. In addition, the benefits of garlic are found to prevent the onset of cardiovascular disease through its fluidizing action. Especially, garlic is an excellent antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiallergic and antioxidant. It is also used to fight intestinal worms.

 Famous Foods around the World

Monday 3 September 2018

What part of the apricot for what care?

The almond contained in the nucleus is the most popular part of the fruit in cosmetology. This is where the oil of apricot kernel is extracted from which many virtues are lent. Nourishing, the apricot kernel oil also has regenerating properties, because of its high content of vitamins A and E (very antioxidant) and oleic acid, the same as that contained in olive oil. Rich in omega 6, apricot kernel oil helps strengthen the suppleness of the epidermis and maintain skin hydration. In the form of day cream, night cream, nourishing hair care, moisturizing lip balm ... This is one of the key ingredients of many cosmetic products.

The nucleus  is also exploited for our beauty. Reduced to powder, it is an excellent alternative to ball peels whose micro-particles of plastic finish at the bottom of the oceans causing the death of many marine species.
 Famous Foods around the World

The pulp is rather used in the 'home' cosmetic care and for the recipes of grandmothers for its moisturizing virtues. With as a bonus the characteristic smell! In short, apricot is a natural ingredient that wants good to our beauty !

 Famous Foods around the World

When the apricot inspires us ...
Its soft and velvety skin is worthy of the most beautiful promises of face creams. As for its color, it is perfect to highlight a beautiful golden tan . As a result, it inspires both blushes of 'sunny' blush and bright colors for the summer .

Sunday 2 September 2018

Apricot - Health Benefits of Apricot

Apricot - Health Benefits of Apricot
Apricot is a fruit that contains large amounts of vitamin A , a vitamin important for eyesight and skin that it tones and moisturizes . Because of its cellular regenerative properties, apricots are particularly suitable for children, adolescents, pregnant or breastfeeding women and the elderly. Moreover, fresh, it is antiasthenic (it fights against fatigue ) and antidiarrheal. Finally apricot would reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular disease

 Famous Foods around the World