Friday 22 May 2020

Slimming Vegetables & Fruits

Other than water and thin soups, there are no foods that have as few calories as vegetables . So it is clear that vegetables are ideal for losing weight. You should add the following types of vegetables to your list:
1. Avocados
Potassium, healthy fats and 3.0 percent fiber make avocados a healthy weight loss food. Anyone who eats the fruit in a salad, which we do not count as fruit but as vegetable, boosts nutrient absorption. But be careful: Always consider the high calorie count - three times as much as an apple - and do not eat too much avocado.
2. Broccoli
Vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium - these are just a few of the micronutrients contained in broccoli. In addition, it comes to just 31 kilocalories per 100 grams, has a protein content of 3.0 percent and also provides fiber. Conclusion: The perfect vegetable for losing weight.
3. Mushrooms
Mushrooms - here classified as vegetables, although mushrooms are actually a separate group - consist of 2.9 percent protein, are low in calories (22 kcal / 100 g) and have a very low Glycemic Index (GI) of 15 (for comparison: glucose) has the maximum value with a GI of 100). [2] That is, they hardly raise blood sugar levels. This makes them one of the best foods for losing weight. With the Creamy Mushroom FIT Soup by nu3 you can get this weight loss aid prepared in 2 minutes.
4. Fennel
Fennel also has a GI of 15. [2] And since the vegetable has only 23 kilocalories per 100 grams, it's almost as good for losing weight as mushrooms. Only the protein content is lower at 1.1 percent.
5. Kale
100 grams of kale have only 45 calories, but 4.3 grams of protein and 4.2 grams of fiber. In addition, kale provides more than twice as much vitamin C as a lemon and contains other important nutrients such as potassium, calcium, magnesium and iodine. You can't ask for more of a vegetable to lose weight.
6. Cucumber
The cucumber has just 13 calories per 100 grams, because it is 96 percent water. Due to the high water content and volume, the cucumber also ensures good saturation. It is ideally suited as a food for slimming.
7. Carrots
Carrots are relatively low in calories (38 kcal / 100 g) and full of fiber (2.6%), which is why they fill you well. In addition, they are rich in vitamin A or beta-carotene - which is good for the eyes.
8. Rhubarb
One of the lowest calorie vegetables is rhubarb (12 kcal / 100 g). Yes, you read that right, from a botanical point of view, rhubarb is considered a vegetable. In the kitchen it is treated like fruit due to its fruity taste. By the way: the spring vegetables contain valuable nutrients such as vitamin C and calcium.
9. Brussels sprouts
Brussels sprouts have the perfect nutritional value for foods that can help you lose weight: 4.0 percent protein and 4.3 percent fiber with only 3.5 percent carbohydrates and 0.5 percent fat. That's just 43 calories per 100 grams. Bonus: Brussels sprouts contain a lot of vitamin C as well as smaller amounts of calcium and magnesium.
10. Salad
Do you have to mention that lettuce is a perfect weight loss food because of its vanishingly low calorie count and the fiber it contains? Hardly likely. In the following list we have summarized different types of lettuce - sorted by the calories per 100 grams - for you:
Lollo Bionda (11 kcal)
Chicory (14 kcal)
Frisée, oak leaf, lettuce (14 kcal)
Iceberg lettuce (16 kcal)
Lollo Rosso, Romaine lettuce, Batavia (16 kcal)
Radicchio (17 kcal)
Corn salad, endive (23 kcal)
Rocket (28 kcal)
11. Celery
Celeriac consists of 90 percent water and, accordingly, has a very low energy density (28 kcal / 100 g). Is there a better food for losing weight? Yes: celery stalks! This brings it to 94 percent water and a meager 14 kilocalories per 100 grams.
12. Asparagus
Asparagus - whether green or white - has 27 kilocalories per 100 grams because it is over 90 percent water. Nevertheless, there are many vitamins and minerals in asparagus. You can be sad that this super vegetable for losing weight is only in season from March to June.
13. Spinach
Spinach is low in calories (23 kcal / 100 g), has a protein content of 2.7 grams and a fiber content of 2.6 grams with only 0.4 grams of fat and 0.8 grams of carbohydrates. Spinach also contains thylakoids, plant substances that are supposed to suppress appetite. [3] Sounds like a food that is made for losing weight.
14. Savoy cabbage
31 calories, 2.8 grams of protein and 2.6 grams of fiber per 100 grams speak for themselves. In addition, the cabbage vegetables provide a lot of vitamin C and also calcium, magnesium and zinc. A top food that can help you lose weight!
15. Tomatoes
Tomatoes are known to consist of "just water" - at least Dutch ones. Well, that's an exaggeration, but only light: A water content of around 94 percent ensures extremely low calorie numbers (21 kcal / 100 g) for the versatile fruit, which contains vitamin A, beta-carotenes and potassium, among other things.
With the few calories, the tomato doesn't just look good in a salad. Even as a tomato soup, such as with the tomato soup from BEAVITA (only 204 kcal / serving), you can have a low-calorie dish at noon or in the evening.
Lose weight with fruit
Not only vegetables, fruit also has few calories , that's why losing weight with fruit is so easy. But be careful: Overall, fruit is not as low in calories as vegetables, because it is sweeter and therefore higher in sugar. So you shouldn't eat lots of fruit if you want to lose weight. Juices in particular are not a suitable food for weight loss. Here is a list of some fruits to lose weight:
Unpeeled apples provide plenty of vitamins and minerals such as provitamin A, vitamins B1, B2, B6, E and C and potassium. And all at around 55 calories per 100 grams. In addition, there is the fiber pectin, which promotes digestion and ensures satiety.
17. Berries
Whether raspberry, strawberry or blackberry - all berries typical in this country have an average of 42 calories per 100 grams in their fresh or frozen, unsweetened form. There are also many vitamins and minerals.
18. Pears
The benefits of the pear? The same as with the apple. In terms of fiber, they are even ahead!
19. Grapefruit
When it comes to losing weight, there is no way around grapefruit. Because, as science found out, you can increase your diet success if you eat half a grapefruit or 100 milliliters of grapefruit juice before eating. Why? Because you eat fewer calories and get full faster. In addition, the bitter substances in the fruit prevent fat from being stored.
20. Watermelon
In terms of calories, the watermelon is in no way inferior to grapefruit. It weighs just 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. In addition, it consists of 92 percent water and can clearly be counted among the low-calorie fillers.

Saturday 25 April 2020

Top 10 Plants Against Dry Air for a Better Indoor Climate

Plants in the office or house improve the indoor climate and filter unhealthy pollutants from the air. In addition, they consume carbon dioxide and provide fresh oxygen, so that there is enough breathing air. In addition, green plants reduce stress for a long time and have been proven to increase human productivity. When choosing the right plant varieties, the location conditions and the intensity of care must be taken into account. The easier and more adaptable the house plants are, the better they will thrive in the office.
Below are some plants for better indoor climate are given:

1# Areca Palm
 Famous Foods around the World

The Areca palm is also known as the gold fruit palm and bears the botanical name Dypsis lutescens. The plant comes from Madagascar and improves the quality of the indoor climate for a long time, as it releases a lot of moisture into its environment. In addition, the palm cleans polluted indoor air and provides fresh breathing air. The Areca palm grows significantly faster than other palm varieties and is therefore a good room divider in larger offices & drawing rooms. In addition, the palm forms multiple and curled trunks, so that only a few specimens form a small, tropical palm forest. If the incidence of light in the office or drawing room is not uniform, the plant should be rotated regularly and placed in the direction of the sun.

Care & location
  • prefers bright, but no full sun locations
  • needs temperatures of at least 15 ° Celsius
  • relies on high humidity
  • Water abundantly with lime-free water from April to October
  • Administer liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks
  • reduce watering units during winter and do not fertilize
  • Spray regularly with low lime water
  • The ideal planting substrate is special palm soil
  • Integrated breathing flakes prevent waterlogging and ventilate the soil
2# Bow hemp
 Famous Foods around the World

The bow Hemp bears the botanical name Sansevieria trifasciata and is a desert plant from Africa. Due to its origin, the bow hemp is very heat-loving and therefore adapts perfectly to interiors. The color of the leaves is green with a tinge of gray, but there are now also colorful leaf colors with spots and stripes. The leaf margins are highlighted in yellow. The growth form manifests itself in striking, strong and pointed leaf tongues. These elongated leaves seem to stick out of the earth and can grow up to one meter high. The Sansevieria trifasciata is an adaptable and frugal plant, copes well with neglect.

Care & location   
  • Prefers bright locations, also copes with partially shaded places
  • Grows more slowly in less light
  • Low water and nutrient requirements
  • Leaves have succulent properties and store water
  • Cactus soil is ideal as a planting substrate
  • The growing season is May to October
  • Fertilize plants once a month during this time
  • Use cactus fertilizer
  • Can remain in the same planter for several years
  • Produces a lot of oxygen at night
3# Dragon tree
 Famous Foods around the World

The dragon tree bears the botanical name Dracaena and is an agave plant from the Canary Islands. It also occurs in Madagascar and Asia. The color of the leaves is dark green, accented with a red border. The leaves grow narrow and sword-shaped along a slender stem. The growth form is reminiscent of palm trees and has branched spots. As a houseplant, the Dracaena is a maximum of 1 m high. The more pronounced the leaf drawing is, the more light the respective dragon tree can take. The plant is extremely robust and easy to care for, but needs more care in the summer months.

Care & location

  • Prefers bright locations
  • Copes with direct sun after acclimatization
  • Gets used to half and full shady places
  • Water sparingly, about 1-2 times a week
  • Keep a bit wetter in summer and drier in winter
  • Give liquid fertilizer every 2 weeks from April to October
  • Relatively undemanding for the plant substrate
  • Good water permeability is important
  • Loosen the earth with sand or clay granulate
  • Needs temperature values ​​between 19 ° and 25 ° Celsius
  • Does not tolerate temperatures below 10 ° Celsius

4# Green lily
 Famous Foods around the World

The green lily bears the botanical name Chlorophytum comosum and is an agave plant that is native to South Africa. The color of the leaves is green in the wild form, as cultivated forms there are also white or yellow stripes. The herbaceous plant forms clusters and has narrow leaves that can be up to 45 cm long. The Chlorophytum comosum comes into its own in a hanging basket in which the overhanging leaf crust can spread indefinitely. It thrives on the windowsill as well as on furniture around the windows. The plant is very frugal both in terms of location and care.

Care & location
  • Tolerates both sunny as well as partially shaded and shady locations
  • Doesn't like an extremely strong midday sun
  • Water abundantly during the main growing season
  • Stores water in the roots, therefore tolerates longer dry periods
  • Water more economically in winter
  • Fertilize every 2-3 weeks, liquid fertilizer is ideal for potted plants
  • Needs normal room temperatures, also tolerates intense heat
  • Do not keep below 10 degrees
  • Normal potting soil based on nutrient-rich compost is optimal
  • Repot if bale is deeply rooted
5# Dieffenbachia
 Famous Foods around the World

The diefenbachia is an attractive foliage plant that forms thick stems that do not branch. The soft leaves have covered stems and a green base color, which is decorated with yellow or white drawings. The cultivated forms are now available in different colors and decorations. The plant can grow up to one meter high, the cultivation forms become even bigger. It comes from the dense rainforests of South and Central America and therefore needs little light. Due to the large leaf areas, the diefenbachia ensures good air purification.

Care & location
  • Copes with bright to partially shaded locations
  • Avoid direct midday sun
  • Water regularly during the growing season
  • Tolerates neither extreme drought nor waterlogging
  • Give liquid fertilizer from April to August, once a week
  • Fertilize less and water less in winter
  • Use normal potting soil as a planting substrate
  • Repot about every three to four years
  • Needs temperature values ​​around 20 ° Celsius
  • Does not tolerate temperatures below 15 ° Celsius in the long run
6# Cacti
 Famous Foods around the World

Cacti have the scientific name Cactaceae and originally occur in the desert areas of the world. For this reason, the robust plants thrive best in intense and direct sunlight. An ideal location is therefore a south-facing office window where the sun shines all day. Since cacti grow very slowly, they take up little space. In addition, the desert plants are extremely frugal and can cope with nutrient-poor substrates. Even a small amount of air circulation and drying out is not a big problem for the plant, as it stores water for emergencies. Popular species include the columnar cactus, the rock cactus and the ball cactus.

Care & location
  • Prefer direct sun to partially shaded site conditions
  • Water regularly but sparingly in summer
  • Allow the bales to dry out completely between waterings
  • From November completely discontinue casting units
  • Use special cactus fertilizers every month during the main growing season
  • Cactus soil is suitable as a planting substrate
  • Mix growing soil with sand
  • Needs normal room temperature
  • Temperature values ​​must not drop below 15 ° Celsius
7# Zamie, Zamioculcas
 Famous Foods around the World

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia comes from East Africa and is therefore familiar with warm regions. In its country of origin, the plant is used to using a small amount of water. In addition, the Zamioculcas makes no great demands on the lighting conditions and thrives even in shady corners of the room. The zamie forms strong rhizomes, from which the delicate-looking pinnate leaves grow. The robust houseplant also forgives gross maintenance errors and is therefore ideal for keeping in offices. However, the Zamie is susceptible to pests in dry heating air and should therefore be checked regularly. In addition, all parts of the plant are poisonous, so gloves and, if necessary, eye protection must be worn when caring for them.

Care & location
  • Thrives in almost all lighting conditions
  • Bright locations increase the growth rate
  • Darker places provide intensely green leaf colors
  • However does not tolerate direct sunlight
  • Temperatures should be at least 16 ° Celsius
  • Can move outdoors in summer
  • The ideal planting substrate is palm soil
  • Alternatively, compost-based potting soil is possible
  • Mix in clay granulate for improved permeability
  • Water regularly, always keep slightly moist
  • Fertilize every month during the growing season
8# Money tree
 Famous Foods around the World

The money tree has the botanical name Pachira aquatica and makes no great demands on its care. That is why the robust houseplant is ideal for the office. Thanks to the striking growth and the large leaves, the money tree fits perfectly on window sills and as a room divider in open-plan offices. The plant forgives small maintenance errors, but attaches importance to a suitable location and good plant substrate. The evergreen deciduous tree has a slightly thickened stem that serves as a water reservoir, so that dry periods are well tolerated. However, the Pachira aquatica requires a high level of humidity, in return it is not susceptible to most diseases and pests.

Care & location
  • Needs bright and warm site conditions
  • Temperature values ​​should not drop below 12 ° Celsius
  • Can move outdoors in summer
  • Needs protected location, do not put in full sun
  • Well-drained and loose plant substrate, low in nutrients
  • Few pouring units, but water extensively
  • Avoid waterlogging
  • Spray as often as possible with lime-free water
  • Fertilize every 2 weeks during the growing season
  • Apply fertilizer in a reduced dose
9# Orchids
 Famous Foods around the World

Orchids belong to the plant family of the Orchidaceae and come mainly from tropical countries. Thanks to the robust and easy-care hybrid, orchids are now also suitable as office plants. The perennial and herbaceous flowering plants represent a beautiful decoration for the office window, as well as for the reception area and the reception. In the tropics, the plants grow in the shade of trees, mostly as epiphytes, so that they can also cope with darker site conditions. There are now more than 1,000 species worldwide with a variety of shapes and impressive flower colors.

Care & location
  • Bright to partially shaded site conditions
  • Do not tolerate blazing sun
  • Do not set up in close proximity to radiators
  • Plant substrate with pieces of bark, organic and inorganic components
  • Water twice a week in summer and once a week in winter
  • The need for watering is indicated by a light saucepan
  • Always water thoroughly
  • Use only lime-free water
  • Fertilize every 2 weeks during the growing and flowering period
  • Special fertilizer for orchids is ideal
  • Needs humidity of more than 60 percent
  • Spray in between
  • Requires temperature values ​​of 19-25 ° Celsius
10# A leaf

 Famous Foods around the World

The one-leaf bears the botanical name Spathiphyllum and convinces as a robust plant. It also thrives in offices where there are only a few hours of sunshine a day. However, the plant does not tolerate air conditioning systems very well and the associated dry air. The single-leaf forgives short-term dry periods, but prefers a slightly moist root ball. If the location is right, the plant is very easy to care for and forms decorative flowers almost all year round. There are many varieties to choose from, which differ in terms of stature and flowers.

Care & location
  • Prefers semi-shady site conditions
  • Avoid direct sunlight
  • Needs high humidity
  • Ideally spray with lime-free water in between
  • Water moderately 2 times a week
  • Waterlogging is temporarily tolerated
  • Use low-dose liquid fertilizer every month
  • Produces decorative flowers even in winter
  • Normal potting soil with clay granulate is suitable as a planting substrate
  •  Room temperatures are optimal
  • Temperature values ​​must not fall below 13 ° Celsius

Saturday 18 April 2020


Since it is not a fixed term, it is difficult to find the "healthiest" foods. In the following list we present ten well-known healthiest foods - both exotic and domestic.

1. Berries
Famous Foods around the World

The Brazilian acai berries and Chinese goji berries are said to perform miracles in the human body. They contain antioxidants that inhibit the growth of cancer cells, have a rejuvenating effect and are intended to make you slim. However, domestic blueberries are in no way inferior to overseas superfoods. Goji berries sometimes have high pesticide loads and are not available everywhere.

2. Avocado
Famous Foods around the World

The fruit from Mexico admittedly contains a lot of fat - but it is unsaturated fatty acids that have been proven to lower cholesterol levels. In addition, the avocado is rich in vitamins such as folic acid, valuable trace elements and minerals.

3. Pomegranate
Famous Foods around the World

Studies on pomegranate juice confirm that it can lower blood pressure and reduce oxidative stress, thereby reducing the risk of heart disease. Pomegranates can also help against indigestion and menopause problems.

4. Beetroot
Famous Foods around the World

Beetroot, like pomegranate, is said to be good for the heart and circulation and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The body is said to convert the high nitrate content in domestic winter vegetables into nitric oxide, which lowers blood pressure and reduces the tendency to clot.

5. Kale
Famous Foods around the World

Kale provides the body with energy, many vitamins, phytochemicals, antioxidants, protein, iron and fiber. Studies also confirm its anti-inflammatory and cancer risk-lowering effects. Speaking of leafy vegetables at home: spinach and orchard are also very healthy.

6. Chia Seeds
Famous Food around the World

Just like the avocado, the grains have many calories, but healthy fatty acids. They contain a lot of vitamin E and calcium and thus support the immune system, cell protection and bones. In addition, the seeds contain many digestive fibers and antioxidants that can prevent cell damage. Note: Make sure that you do not exceed the recommended daily amount of one tablespoon. Instead of chia seeds, you can also use sesame or flax seeds.

7. Hemp
Famous Foods around the World

If you immediately think of intoxicants with hemp, you underestimate the versatile plant. Their seeds, called hemp nuts, contain large amounts of antioxidants, proteins, amino acids and vitamins such as the important vitamin B2. Unlike marijuana or hashish, which are obtained from the female inflorescences of hemp, hemp seeds do not make you high. Still, you shouldn't eat too many of them as they are high in fat like all nuts.

8. Papaya
Famous Foods around the World

The tropical fruit has a lot of nutritional values, in particular a high content of vitamin C. Papaya also contains the phytochemical beta carotene, which the body converts to vitamin A. In addition, it is very low in calories, promotes digestion and boosts fat burning. Behind it is supposedly the contained papain, an enzyme that helps break down proteins from food and is therefore beneficial for digestion.

9. Turmeric
Famous Foods around the World

Almost everyone has already eaten the healthy spice because it gives the curry its yellow color. The curcumin it contains has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. According to a study, turmeric should also be able to reverse alcohol-related damage in the brain.

10. Cocoa
Famous Foods around the World

Because of its high flavonoid content, raw cocoa is said to reduce the risk of heart disease by lowering blood pressure and increasing the elasticity of blood vessels. But that doesn't mean that eating large amounts of high-fat and high-sugar chocolate is healthy. The following also applies when eating chocolate: the darker the better. Tip: You can also drink cocoa in the form of dark drinking chocolate.